Agroleaf Special zinc is a first-class fully water-soluble foliar fertilizer, widely used in agriculture and horticulture to prevent and control manganese deficiency in a wide variety of crops, such as grains, vegetables, flowers and fruit trees.
Special zinc includes X3 which improves nutrient uptake.

  • Foliar fertilizer with Agroleaf Special Zn enables rapid absorption of the plants, hence physiological stress from the plants due to zinc deficiency ends within a day or two. Normal crop performance will resume soon.
  • It dissolves quickly and completely, so that preparation of the solution is simple and hassle-free.
  • Special Zn improves metabolism.
  • The product also contains X₃ Active, a specific amino acid that facilitates the absorption of this compound in plant leaves and therefore provides efficient uptake.
  • EDTA is a powerful chelating agent, which can protect the metal atom that is complexed with it, against precipitation and inactivation under conditions that would otherwise cause the metal atom not to be available to the plants.
  • Special Zn is produced from the best raw materials, by most modern production technologies. It has the highest concentration of active compound among products of its kind.
  • Special Zn can be mixed in tanks with a wide range of other fertilizers and plant protection products. By doing this, the manufacturer can save on field operations, and can solve zinc deficiency, at the same time as he fights various pests and diseases.

Agroleaf Special zinc is a first-class fully water-soluble foliar fertilizer, widely used in agriculture and horticulture to prevent and control manganese deficiency in a wide variety of crops, such as grains, vegetables, flowers and fruit trees.



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Agroleaf Special Zn is a first-class fully water-soluble foliar fertilizer, widely used in agriculture and horticulture to prevent and control manganese deficiency in a wide variety of crops, such as grains, vegetables, flowers and fruit trees.


The best time for foliar fertilization is late afternoon or evening. Avoid adverse conditions (eg water-stressed crops, low relative humidity, high temperature, if precipitation is expected within 3 days). With precipitation within 4 hours after spraying, the crop should be sprayed again in 3 or 4 days. Try the product in final concentration on a small field with several plants a week before the actual spraying. Check several days later for unwanted results. Do the same, especially when you plan to mix with other substances. Use a syringe that produces high pressure equipped with nozzles that produce very fine drops. Fill the spray container to half capacity; start mixing. Put all the foliar fertilizer in the tank and wait for the full solution. Make sure the pH is between 4 and 6.5, correct it if necessary. Put the entire intended amount of fungicides and / or insecticides in the tank. Make sure the pH is between 4 and 6.5, correct it if necessary by adding very small amounts of Nova Pecacid or NaOH. Fill the spray container to full capacity. Start immediately and do not stop until the tank is empty. Do not store the solution overnight.


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