AP 301

NPK 16-1-0

AP 301 is an organic powdered fertiliser with a high nitrogen content. The content of the fertiliser meets the plant's needs during development. The production process ensures that the protein quality is maintained.

Exclusive: AP 301 is made from protein flour.

Homogenized: The ingredients in AP 301 are evenly mixed which ensures equal content. It provides even distribution of all nutrients.

Hygienization: The raw materials are spray-dried at high temperature, which ensures good hygiene.

Soluble and renewable: Nutrients are readily available with a lasting effect. This provides the plants with the necessary access to nutrients throughout the growing season.

Value: One of the most economical fertilizers available on the Norwegian market.


Nitrogen (N)
Phosphorus (P)

15,70 %
0,38 %
1,30 %
0,30 %
0,38 %


Hygienised protein meal
Chlorine free


50-100 kg / da
General fertilizer recommendation, quantity must be adjusted.
Refer to soil and leaf analysis, as well as consult your advisor, plant nutritional needs and crop level.

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