Hybrid N +
NPK 31-2-0

Hybrid N + is for fertilizing grain, meadow, pasture etc. Contains urea with Agrotein and protein flour. Hybrid fertilizers contain both mineral fertilizers and organic matter, where by the name hybrid.
Hybrid fertilizer is a complete fertilizer that contains all the plant nutrients; NPK, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, micronutrients and hygienic organic matter. The mineral part of the nitrogen is urea protected with Agrotain.
The product is composted at high temperature for a long while. Production takes place in accordance with "Regulations on animal by-products, the Food Act and Regulations on organic fertilizers." Guaranteed free of coccidiostats.
Quite odorless. The finished product is crushed pellets in 2 mm size. The spreading properties are very good. When storing outside, the bag should be placed on a pallet with a thick tarpaulin covered over. When storing inside, the bag must be placed on a pallet.

31 %
2,0 %
0,2 %
3,9 %
0,2 %

Mix of organically approved raw materials
Mineral fertilizer with inhibitor from Agrotain
The fertilizer is chlorine-free
Hectolitre weight: 0.8 kg

50-100 kg / dda
General fertilizer recommendation, quantity must be adjusted. Refer to soil and any leaf analysis, as well as consult your advisor, plant nutritional needs and crop level.