Eco 14
NPK 14-2-1

Eco 14 is one of our original organic fertilisers, Eco 14 is a versatile organic fertilizer made of "processed" chicken-hens fertilizer, bone meal, and blood meal it contains 2.1% calcium and all the essential plant nutrients.
Exclusive: Eco 14 is produced with "processed" chicken fertilizer providing amazing properties.
Homogenized: Ingredients in Eco 14 are uniformly mixed which ensures the same content in each pellet. It provides even distribution of all nutrients.
Sanitation through composting: The raw materials are composted at high temperature for a long time. Ensures disease free fertilizer.
Pelletized: Eco 14 is pelleted 4-5 mm in size. Uniform granules for convenient handling and mixing
Soluble & Sustained Release: Eco 14 provides readily available and sustained-release forms of nutrients which allow for extended plant availability of nutrients throughout the growing season.
Value: One of the most economical nutrient products available in today’s fertilizer industry.

Phosphorus (P)
Potassium (K)
Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg)
Sulfur (S)
Boron (B)
Manganese (Mn)
Iron (Fe)
Copper (Cu)
Zinc (Zn)
Silicon (Si)
13,9 %
1,98 %
1 %
2,1 %
0,1 %
0,5 %
9 ppm
272 ppm
1735 ppm
12 ppm
52 ppm
69 ppm

Composted and hygienic
Chicken/hen manure
Bone meal
Blood meal
The fertilizer is chlorine free.
Volume weight: 0.75 kg / Liter.

50-100 kg / da
General fertilizer recommendation, quantity must be adjusted.
Refer to soil and possibly leaf analysis, as well as consult your adviser, plant nutritional needs and crop level.